Sunday, June 19, 2022


I am a woodcarver, originally from Vancouver, B.C. in Canada, but now living in Ste-Brigitte-de-Laval, Quebec. My work is available from my online shop at  Besides my online shop, I participate in various arts & crafts shows. I am also a member of the Ontario Woodcarvers Association.
I specialize in handmade relief woodcarvings, sculptures, clocks and wall plaques. My carvings often explore themes related to legends, folklore, spiritual quests and the divinatory arts such as the Tarot. I also recently began creating magic wands and Halloween sculptures. 

All my pieces are lovingly hand carved one by one. Most are then hand painted with oil or acrylic paints. I DO NOT own or use a CNC machine (a device which rapidly  turns out mass produced copies from a single pattern).

I hope you enjoy your visit here.

My woodcarvings are available for purchase at my Etsy online shop:

You are invited to like my Facebook page:

Plus you can visit and follow my page on Pinterest, where there is much to explore: